In February 2017 RecLab Studios enters its 8th year of activity, marking over 250 productions. To celebrate this important achievement, producer Larsen Premoli thought it appropriate to pay a homage to the Pink Floyd and completely re-record “the dark side of the moon”, eighth album by the British band and undisputed milestone in the history of rock’n’roll and music in general, originally published in March 1973. With the intent of starting a project of distinctive artistic profile, to re-create the work of Pink Floyd the Milanese independent producer decided to summon a top-team of 48 musicians (including Federico Paulovich, Ralph Salati and Paolo Colavolpe from Destrage, Alteria, Mario Riso, Michele Quaini, Matteo Balani, percussionist Pacho and many more) who collaborated with RecLab throughout its 8 years up until today. Eminencies such as Andrea Rock and Dr. Feelgood (Dj’s at Virgin Radio) also took part to the project as speakers in the spoken sections of the record.
officially started at RecLab Studios on October 15th 2016 with the recording of drum tracks. Recording of all other tracks took until Christmas. Then meticulous post-production on fine vintage equipment was carried out. Tracks have been recorded following precisely the timeline of the original album. While much room was left for the interpretation of the parts by the artists, according to their language and individuality, arrangements instead follow the originals faithfully.

CONCEPT The artwork is clearly inspired by the original album cover. The first detail that can be noticed is the specularity in comparison with the original graphics. “We know that pointing a ray of white light into a prism, the complete spectrum of colors composing the iris is rendered” says producer Larsen Premoli “We also know that reversing the operation is impossible. But is it really impossible? Or maybe, in a laboratory, with research, experimentation and dedication it could be found that indeed it is possible? While getting to the re-creation of this absolute masterpiece I knew I was setting off to a conceptually impossible enterprise, but with the RECording LABoratory at hand and counting on the many artistic realities and sensitivities met in these first 8 years I decided to try anyway. To me, this has been a moment of unprecedented exploration and analysis of an album I have been listening to at least a couple of times a week for the last decade, but still surprises me every time. The artwork represents very pragmatically the essence of the project “The return to…”: the characters and colors of 48 artists (here returns the number 8, multiplied by the 6 colors of the iris) meeting up inside a studio (the prism) to mix their art and expertise into a single, unique result (the ray of white light). …”
PUBLICATION The project will be published digitally on iTunes and all other main digital stores, and of course on Spotify. The digital version will also include the bonus track “Comfortably numb”. “The return to the dark side of the moon” will also be issued on vinyl in limited edition. For purchase of a vinyl, a digital copy will be for free. Videos of the making, together with full artists’ performances, backstage and post-production at RecLab will be published on YouTube, announced by a large number of teasers and trailers on RecLab Studios Facebook page and Instagram channel.
(13 Videos Playlist)

Larsen Premoli (RecLab Studios), Federico Paulovich – Ralph Salati – Paolo Colavolpe (Destrage), Alteria, Mario Riso (Rezophonic, Movida), Michele Quaini, Davide Malanchin, Carlo Ozzella, Matteo Balani, Hermes Locatelli, Mattia Frassinetti (Jarvis), Giulia Osservati – Marco De Grandi – Filippo Sperotto (ElectricBallroom), Max Forleo (The Traveller), Pacho, Erik Donatini (Jaspers), Fulvio Carlini – Sandro Casali (Sixty Miles Ahead), Alessio ‘Bongi’ Buongiorno – Federico Marin (I Nastri), Roberto Paladino (I Nastri, Mamaboy&theConnections), Helena (Na2ral Born Killers), Nicola Rossi (Na2ral Born Killers, Night Jackal, Sound of Seattle), Domenico Cambareri (Night Jackal), Tony Giampaolo, Daniele Capuzzi, Andrea ‘Jimmy’ Catagnoli, Max Castellani – Deneb Bucella (Nation Of Giants), Nando de Luca (Alteria, The Traveller, Siveral), Lorenzo Pasquini (Siveral, Jarvis), Antonio Magrini (Siveral), Vincenzo Marino, Giulio Larovere – Enrico Meloni (GL.EM, Groove Fellas), Riccardo Preda, Dario Jacuzzi, Mattia Dambrosio, Carbo, Gabriele Ghezzi (Deceit Machine), Paolo Paracchini – Daniele Tiddia (Allis On Air), Massimo ‘Maffo’ Vignali, Andrea Rock – Maurizio ‘Dr.Feelgood’ Faulisi (Virgin Radio)
CHARITY The complete income of the project (from all physical and online sales, including possible offers linked with the download of special contents) will be completely devoted to the “No Surrender Dream Team”, charity program founded in Italy under the influence of the French association “Oscar’s angels”. “NSDT” offers live music events for parents of children and teenagers facing critical sicknesses and promotes therapeutic music in pediatric hospitals.
Produced and Engineered by Larsen Premoli at RecLab Studios – Milan (IT) Oct.2016 – Jan.2017 – Studio Assistant: Emanuele Nanti – Lovely Mastered by Pietro Caramelli at Energy Mastering (Milan – Mar.17)
The Dark Side Of The Moon:
Original album produced by Pink Floyd in London (June 1972 – January 1973).
Speak To Me Publisher: Pink Floyd Music Publishers Ltd., TRO – Hampshire House Publishing Corp. Authors & Composers: Nick Mason Breathe Publisher: Pink Floyd Music Publishers Ltd., Roger Waters Music Overseas Ltd., Artemis Muziekuitgeverij B.V., TRO – Hampshire House Publishing Corp. Authors & Composers: Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Richard Wright On The Run Publisher: Pink Floyd Music Publishers Ltd., Roger Waters Music Overseas Ltd., Artemis Muziekuitgeverij B.V., TRO – Hampshire House Publishing Corp. Authors & Composers: David Gilmour, Roger Waters Time Publisher: Pink Floyd Music Publishers Ltd., Roger Waters Music Overseas Ltd., Artemis Muziekuitgeverij B.V., TRO – Hampshire House Publishing Corp. Authors & Composers: Nick Mason, Roger Waters, Richard Wright, David Gilmour The Great Gig in the Sky Publisher: Pink Floyd Music Publishers Ltd., TRO – Hampshire House Publishing Corp. Authors & Composers: Richard Wright, Clare Torry Money Publisher: Roger Waters Music Overseas Ltd., Artemis Muziekuitgeverij B.V., TRO – Hampshire House Publishing Corp. Authors & Composers: Roger Waters Us And Them Publisher: Pink Floyd Music Publishers Ltd., Roger Waters Music Overseas Ltd., Artemis Muziekuitgeverij B.V., TRO – Hampshire House Publishing Corp. Authors & Composers: Roger Waters, Richard Wright Any Colour You Like Publisher: Pink Floyd Music Publishers Ltd., TRO – Hampshire House Publishing Corp. Authors & Composers: David Gilmour, Nick Mason, Richard Wright Brain Damage Publisher: Roger Waters Music Overseas Ltd., Artemis Muziekuitgeverij B.V., TRO – Hampshire House Publishing Corp. Authors & Composers: Roger Waters Eclipse Publisher: Roger Waters Music Overseas Ltd., Artemis Muziekuitgeverij B.V., TRO – Hampshire House Publishing Corp. Authors & Composers: Roger Waters Comfortably Numb Publisher: Pink Floyd Music Publishers Ltd., Roger Waters Music Overseas Ltd., Artemis Muziekuitgeverij B.V. Authors & Composers: David Gilmour, Roger Waters
01. Speak To Me:
Programmed by Larsen Premoli 02. Breathe:
Drums: Davide Malanchin –
Bass: Hermes Locatelli
– Guitar: Mattia Frassinetti
– Steel Guitar: Filippo Sperotto
– Piano, Synth and Hammond: Larsen Premoli
– Vocal: Max Forleo
– Backing Vocals: Larsen Premoli 03. On The Run:
Drums sample: Federico Paulovich
– Percussions: Pacho –
Synth and Programming by “I Nastri” 04. Time:
Drums: Mario Riso –
Bass: Erik Donatini –
Guitars: Fulvio Carlini, Ralph Salati –
Piano, Synth and Hammond: Larsen Premoli – Rototoms and Percussions: Pacho
– Vocal: Sandro Casali
– Backing Vocals: Alteria, Helena, Giulia Osservati 05. Breathe Reprise: Drums: Davide Malanchin –
Bass: Hermes Locatelli
– Guitar: Mattia Frassinetti –
Steel Guitar: Filippo Sperotto
– Piano, Synth and Hammond: Larsen Premoli
– Vocal: Max Forleo
– Backing Vocals: Larsen Premoli 06. The Great Gig in the Sky:
Drums: Marco De Grandi – Bass: Matteo Balani
– Steel Guitar: Filippo Sperotto –
Piano: Alessio Bongi Buongiorno – Hammond: Larsen Premoli – Vocals: Helena, Alteria, Giulia Osservati 07. Money:
Drums: Daniele Capuzzi – Bass: Tony Giampaolo
– Guitars: Michele Quaini – Piano, Hammond and Programming: Larsen Premoli – Percussions: Pacho
– Saxophone: Andrea Jimmy Catagnoli – Vocal: Max Castellani 08. Us And Them:
Drums: Federico Paulovich – Bass: Nando de Luca – Guitar: Lorenzo Pasquini – Piano and Hammond: Larsen Premoli – Saxophone: Vincenzo Marino – Acoustic Guitar: Enrico Meloni – Percussions: Pacho
– Vocals: Carlo Ozzella, Giulio Larovere –
Backing Vocals: Alteria, Helena Giulia Osservati, Larsen Premoli 09. Any Colour You Like:
Drums: Riccardo Preda – Bass: Dario Jacuzzi
- Guitars: Tony Magrini, Mattia Dambrosio – Percussion: Pacho – Synth: Alessio Bongi Buongiorno – Piano and Hammond: Larsen Premoli 10. Brain Damage:
Drums: Nicola Rossi – Bass: Paolo Paracchini – Guitar: Daniele Tiddia – Acoustic Guitar: Federico Marin – Steel Guitar: Filippo Sperotto – Synth: Alessio Bongi Buongiorno – Piano and Hammond: Larsen Premoli – Vocal: Paolo Colavolpe – Backing Vocals: Alteria, Helena Giulia Osservati, Larsen Premoli 11. Eclipse:
Drums: Deneb Bucella –
Bass: Roberto Paladino – Guitars: Domenico Cambareri, Gabriele Ghezzi – Piano and Hammond: Larsen Premoli – Vocals: Carbo, Max Forleo, Carlo Ozzella,
Paolo Colavolpe, Max Castellani,
Giulio Larovere, Sandro Casali – Backing Vocals: Alteria, Helena Giulia Osservati, Larsen Premoli Speakers:
Maurizio “Dr. Feelgood” Faulisi & Andrea Rock – Laugh: Emanuele Nanti Bonus Tracks: 12. Comfortably Numb:
Drums: Federico Paulovich – Bass: Matteo Balani – Guitars: Lorenzo Pasquini, Massimo “Maffo” Vignali, Ralph Salati – Acoustic Guitar: Federico Marin – Steel Guitar: Filippo Sperotto – Synth, Hammond, Glockenspiel: Larsen Premoli – Percussions: Pacho – Vocals: Carbo, Max Forleo, Max Castellani – Backing Vocals: Alteria, Helena, Giulia Osservati, Larsen Premoli